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TikTok Filter Helped Me Save More

How does a TikTok filter make me save more money? Well, this is my story for you. A Glimpse of the Future: The ‘Aged’ Filter Trend I fancy myself as a bit of a TikTok Connoisseur. Look, I don’t take financial advice on TikTok, but it is a great place to learn things and have fun. Recently there was a huge filter trend on TikTok named “Aged”. For those not familiar with the filters, they basically modify your features based on desired effects. As the “aged” filter name suggests, it magically transforms your face to show a glimpse of your future decades from now. Many dermatologists and plastic surgeons have supported this filter, claiming its accuracy, much to my dismay. I won’t sugarcoat it - seeing my aged face for the first time was shocking (I may or may not have shrieked and thrown my phone onto the sofa). “That cannot be what I would look like!” Yet, after a few more peeks, I recognized an uncanny resemblance to my dad. Maybe these facial experts were onto something. Over time, I warmed up to this older version of me; she looked experienced and filled with stories. I started imagining my life at that age. What will I eat, what will I do, where will I ache and how much? But most importantly, who will I have around me and what will we do together? All of a sudden, my future is not so distant and hazy anymore. For a moment there, it seemed like either the future was here, or I was in the future. The Real Issue: Saving for a Stranger? Thanks to Shaping Wealth’s Building the Behavioral Advisor training, I was familiar with the "future-self continuity" phenomenon. This groundbreaking research by Dr. Hal Hershfield suggests that we’re no more sympathetic to our future selves than to a complete stranger. This realization is critical because much of our financial security in our later years depends on our savings habits today. If we’re not sympathetic to our future selves, then we sure wouldn't be so generous and put off enjoyment for today for a stranger of tomorrow, right? Dr. Hershfield's studies found that when individuals visualized their aged selves, they were naturally more inclined to save for the future. This visual representation bridges the disconnect, making that future self feel more real and immediate. Speaking for myself, I doubled my automatic savings to my emergency fund account after using this filter. A lot of other ladies that have used this filter also claimed that they were much more diligent in their skincare routine afterwards. A great start! What Does It All Mean? I’m not saying everyone should download TikTok immediately but I do want to encourage you to use this filter if you are a TikTok user already. I’m sure other apps will catch on and have it available soon. I want you to sit with the feelings of the initial shock and digest on how that makes you feel. Does it bring panic? sadness? joy? Does it prompt you to reevaluate your priorities and possibly change your current behaviors? Even if you don’t use the filter, it’s still easy to look up at your elders like your parents or grandparents and put yourself in their shoes. When you inevitably look like them in the future, what would your life be like? Hopefully, you can be more sympathetic to yourself in the future as I was to future Lei. Financial planning isn't just about numbers; it's about aligning your finances with your life's vision. As a behavior focused financial planner, I can guide you to not just make informed decisions, but also to empathize with your future self. Together, we can work towards a future where our older selves live joyfully, comfortably, and securely. Or very least, I can show you what you’d look like decades later with the “Aged” filter:)


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